My Art Space is a social networking site for the contemporary art world where artists can post their work and let curators, buyers, professors, students, and other art appreciators view their work. It is free and you are able to search and interact with other artists. There are also contests and forums to get involved with.

Image of work found on

the link is

The Noun Project

I found this website called The Noun Project and it is essentially a giant collection of symb0ls of just about anything and everything. Their mission states: “The Noun Project collects, organizes and adds to the highly recognizable symbols that form the world’s visual language, so we may share them in a fun and meaningful way.”  All of the symbols are free and all show interesting uses of negative space.

Here is an example of some of the thousands of symbols

To see more, go to

This logo for 8 Fish, a sushi restaurant, is a really great use of positive/negative space. I really like how the four yellow fish create the four maroon fish and vice versa. I also like how colors were used instead of the typical black and white you see in most positive/negative designs. The designer’s name is Jerron Ames.  More of his work can be seen at


I really like the simplicity of the Target logo/identity system. It is very straightforward, simple and obvious but I think that works for the discount superstore and is the reason why the logo was so successful. The red bulls eye is very eye-catching and probably one of the most easily identifiable logo out there. It was designed by Thomas James George III, but I couldn’t find any other information on him.  

Ellen Lupton

One of Lupton's installation pieces involving type

One of Lupton’s design books

Ellen Lupton plays several different roles in the design world. She is a graphic designer, a painter, a curator,  director of a graphic design program at MICA, a critic and most importantly an author and an expert at typography. Lupton has wrote, co-wrote, or edited about 20 books on design and typography. Many of her books can be used as typography guides as they offer ideas and lessons on all aspects of typography.

A typography book by Lupton

For more on Ellen Lupton, visit