Yokoo Tadanori

Yokoo Tadanori was born in Japan in 1936. He is one of Japan’s most successful and internationally recognized graphic designers and artists. He was a graphic designer, illustrator, printmaker and painter. Tadanori often uses many motifs in his posters, the most well-known being the rising sun motif. He was also fascinated by Indian culture, Buddhism, and extraterrestrial civilizations and created many collages using images of the universe and various religious symbols. His work was deeply personal, he often employed his own themes, pictures and references to himself in his work. I found his work to be very interesting and unique. It’s very different from a lot of other artists and you can definitely see that he has his own style and technique. I think it is very interesting how he incorporates his own life into his work. You can find out more about Tadanori at his website http://www.tadanoriyokoo.com/prof/index_e.html